Online Only Auction
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Shipping Not Available
9/26/2024 - 10/2/2024
Bidding Notice:

We unfortunately do NOT ship at this time. All items are verified for functionality. Sold AS IS. Item can be verified at pick up.

Lot # 3
Group - Category Construction & Farm - Chemical Applicators - Fertilizer Applicators - Dry
***Términos y condiciones*** Al registrarse para esta subasta, acepta y acepta estos términos y condiciones. Si es la primera vez que hace una oferta en nuestra subasta, o hace una oferta todas las semanas, aquí encontrará información importante que todo adicto a las subastas debe saber al ofertar en nuestra subasta. Pagos: Inmediatamente después del cierre de cada subasta, procesaremos su método de pago registrado para cualquier lote que haya ganado. Esto incluirá una prima del comprador del 15 % y un impuesto estatal sobre las ventas. Recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con una copia de su factura pagada. HiBid te ofrece la opción de almacenar varias tarjetas en tu perfil. Al registrarse para cada subasta, puede seleccionar la tarjeta a la que le gustaría que se le cobre al registrarse en la subasta. Compradores en efectivo: si prefiere pagar en efectivo, notifíquenos con anticipación para que no intentemos cargar su tarjeta. 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En el desafortunado caso de que cometamos un error en el listado, lo reemplazaremos cuando podamos y reembolsaremos cuando sea necesario. Todos los artículos tienen una garantía de 3 días contra tergiversación o defectos de fabricante. Debido a que se trata de una subasta, no realizamos devoluciones ni reembolsos por ningún otro motivo. Asegúrese de que los artículos por los que está pujando tengan el tamaño, color, forma y modelo correctos que está buscando. Correo electrónico/mensaje de texto: Al igual que usted, no somos fanáticos del correo basura ni de los mensajes de texto no deseados. Jc Auction House no llenará su correo electrónico con basura ni le enviará mensajes de texto en los momentos más inconvenientes. Nos comprometemos a enviarte únicamente mensajes de texto para recordarte que la subasta comenzará a cerrarse en una hora y que eres el ganador. Al registrarse en nuestra subasta, acepta que podemos enviarle mensajes de texto y correos electrónicos. Se pueden aplicar tarifas por mensajes y datos. DETENER/Cancelar suscripción: Si en algún momento cree que es demasiado, responda DETENER y será eliminado de la lista. Si no deseas recibir mensajes debes darte de baja. Se pueden aplicar tarifas por mensajes y datos. Los correos electrónicos HiBid no están controlados por Jc Auction House. Si desea dejar de recibir correos electrónicos de HiBid, puede realizar ajustes en sus notificaciones y comunicaciones en su cuenta de HiBid.
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 9/26/2024 - 10/2/2024
Auction Date/Time Info
Bidding begins on September 26th and first lot will close on October 2nd @ 6pm CST.
Preview Date/Time 107 N. Bridge St. Hidalgo Tx 78557 956-867-3177
Checkout Date/Time Pick Up is Thursday/Friday 10 am- 6 pm and Satuday 10am- 3pm
Buyer Premium 15% Buyers Premium per item sold
Welcome to Jc Auction House Our auction consist of liquidation new, overstock, and slightly used customer returns merchandise. Items come in new, damaged, and non-original packaging. Items found in our auction inlcude but not limitid to household items, electronics, furniture, oudoor items, and much more. Come look at our amazing merchandise and bid to great prices! All items have been tested and in working conditions. Minor flaws/scratches will be included in the description if any.
***Terms and Conditions*** By registering for this auction you accept and agree to these terms and conditions. If this is your first time bidding in our auction, or you’re bidding every week, here is some important information every auction addict should know when bidding in our auction. Payments: Immediately after the closing of each auction we will process your payment method on file for any lots you have won. This will include a 15% buyer’s premium and state sales tax. You will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your paid invoice. HiBid gives you the option to store multiple cards in your profile. When registering for each auction you can select the card you would like charged registering for the auction. Cash Buyers: If you prefer to pay cash, please notify us in advance so we do not attempt to charge your card. You can email us at . If you elect to pay cash and do not make the payment or pick up your item within the allotted pick-up times, your card on file will be charged on the last day of the scheduled pickups. Any misuse of the cash buyer payment option will result in the inability to be a cash buyer. For any cards that fail to process we will send an invoice that can be paid online or in person. Your invoice will come from: If you do not receive an invoice, please check your junk/spam folder. Pickups: Items cannot be paid for or picked up until the auction is complete in its entirety. Once the auction has completed, and the invoices have been created you will receive an emailed copy of your invoice and/or a text message indicating that you are a winning bidder. You will receive this email and/or text typically one hour after the auction has concluded. Message and data rates may apply. We have 3 days after the auction closes for pickups for each auction. The auction will close out on Wednesday, and pickups can be made the next day Thursday/Friday from 10AM - 6 PM and Saturday 10am-3pm All items not picked up by 3 PM on the Saturday after the auction closes will be considered abandoned and are subject to disposal unless other arrangements have been made. A refund will NOT be issued for abandoned items. Any item NOT picked up after 7 days after the close of the auction will be disposed of and no refund will be given. You may make arrangements by calling or texting 956-867-3177. Message and data rates may apply. We are located at: 107 N. Bridge St. Hidalgo Tx 78557 NO SHIPPING This auction is for bidders with the ability to pick up their items. Jc Auction House is not responsible for removal. We will assist in transporting your items from inside of the auction house to your vehicle. Due to insurance policies, Jc Auction House employees cannot assist in strapping down or securing items that are transported on the outside of the vehicle. Item Conditions: We do not have control over what inventory is sent to us. Our staff does their best to inspect each item and verify its condition. Not all items can be visually inspected so we do test products for functionality when we are able to do so. Returns and Refunds: At Jc Auction House we stand by our products. We understand that mistakes happen. Our staff from time to time will miss an important detail when inspecting items. Bid with confidence. We take accountability when we make an error. In the unfortunate circumstance that we do make an error in the listing, we will replace when able and refund when necessary. All items have a 7-day guarantee against misrepresentation or manufacturer defects. Due to this being an auction, we do not return or refund for any other reason. Please ensure that the items you are bidding on are the right size, color, shape, and model you are looking for. Email/Text: Just like you, we are not fans of junk mail and spam texts. Jc Auction House will not fill your email with junk and text you at the most inconvenient times. We commit to only sending you text messages to remind you that the auction will start to close in one hour and that you are a winner. By registering for our auction, you agree that we can send you text messages and emails. Message and data rates may apply. STOP/Unsubscribe: If at any time you feel it is too much, reply STOP and you will be removed from the list. If you do not wish to receive messages you must unsubscribe. Message and data rates may apply. HiBid emails are not controlled by Jc Auction House. If you would like to no longer receive emails from HiBid you may make adjustments to your notification and communications in your HiBid account.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 5.00 0.50 USD
5.01 - 50.00 1.00 USD
50.01 - 100.00 2.00 USD
100.01 - 9,750.00 5.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium 15% Buyers Premium per item sold
Payment Terms
As soon as Auction is complete we will process your payment from the provided method on file for any lots you have won. This will INCLUDE a 15% buyer’s premium and state sales tax.
Pick up address: 107 N. Bridge St Hidalgo Tx 78557 Pick Up Times: Thursday 10am-6 pm Friday 10am- 6pm Saturday 10am-3 pm (Any later pick ups can be made on any of these day Message me for appointments) All items not picked up by Saturday at 3:00 PM will be disposed of with no refund issued unless other arrangements have been made. You may contact us to make an arrangement by calling 956-867-3177. We unfortunately do NOT ship at this time.