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New. Kids Balance Bike 2 Year Old, Toddler Bike for 24 Months to 5 Years Old Girls Boys, Early Learning Interactive Push Bicycle with Steady Balancing, Birthday Gift with Adjustable Handlebar Seat Pink
Brand TERRAMUS Model 1214TZ
Amazon Product B0CR5S5PKR
EARLY LEARNING BALANCE BIKE - The balance bike introduces your child to the feeling of being on a bike, building up their confidence by encouraging striding and allowing them to practice bike-handling skills. This girls and boys balance bike lets them push, stand, and walk their way around the outdoors with a sturdy frame and well-balanced, kid-friendly design for 24 months to 5 years old. 12 SPORT BIKE - Our toddler balance bike is also designed with a wide footrest under the seat where the footrest to help them learn to pick up their feet and balance when they are gliding along. Vital for developing self-confidence and balancing. Your child will learn balance & steering, which makes transitioning to a bicycle with pedals much easier PUNCTURE-PROOF AIRLESS TIRES - We want kids to feel strong and stable when they are moving on grass and sidewalks which is why we added puncture-resistant tires to the front and back of each balance bike for 5-year olds and 24-month-old riders. These grippy, airless tires are designed to safely and smoothly roll on pavement without the risk of getting punctured and popping. ENHANCED SAFETY - Along with a soft, rubber grip handlebars, a soft PU seat, and a Alloy-steel frame, this kids balance bike offers limited steering to help prevent toppling over or oversteering when they are learning to turn around, so your toddler can easily straddle the bike at a young age. 2-5 YEAR OLD BOY & GIRL GIFT - Well packed in a Gift Box, This 2-5 year old boy & girl gifts is designed for 2-5 year old toddlers. This is the perfect gift for your child! We know kids grow fast and we would like them to enjoy their riding partner longer, both handlebar and seat height can be adjusted, the quick release mechanism makes it really easy and safe to adjust the handlebar and seat height to your needs..