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This is a multi-consignor auction so please rely on the description, your in-person inspection & photos for condition, age, specs., color, inclusions, etc. Buyer's premium of 14% applies to credit/debit cards (Visa, M/C, Amex or Discover card). Buyer's premium for cash or good check is 10%. WI sales tax (5.5%) applies other than to items shipped out of WI. Please call or text (715)338-7848 for additional information if needed.
All firearms excluding black powder and antique guns will require background checks. No fees for background checks for long guns and only $10.00 per background check for handguns will be collected. Robbie's Auction Service will process form 4473 and WI handgun forms as well. Any handguns or pistol grip long guns sold out of state will require the buyer to hold a current FFL or it must be shipped to an FFL in your state of residency. Buyers will be responsible for shipping and handling fees. Buyers of long guns must be 18 years of age or older. Buyers of handguns must be 21 years or older. Please be patient and allow us time to process paperwork and background checks. To avoid waiting, please call to schedule a private time to pick up your firearm(s) other than the date specified.
All handgun & pistol grip long guns MUST be shipped Fed Ex 2-day mail or priority mail.
Open House Tues. Oct. 24, 2:00pm-4:00pm
Closing Wed. Oct. 25 at 6:00pm (staggered, soft close)
Removal Friday Oct. 27, 10:00am-4:00pm
Payments will be collected at the time you pick up your items. If you are unable to pick up your items at the time and date specified, you must contact us to make other arrangements or your credit card wil be charged on Saturday October 28, 2023.