Online Only Auction
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Price Realized:
1.00 USD
Shipping Not Available
5/30/2023 - 6/13/2023
Auctioneer Information

Bidding Notice:

Address will be posted at the top of Buyers Invoice that will be emailed the following buisiness day! All items must be removed from the home on the pickup date. NO EXCEPTIONS. Any items left at the home will result in forfeiture of the items that were purchased with NO REFUNDS.

Lot # 910
Group - Category Business & Industrial - Business / Retail - Janitorial - Cleaning Equipment
Name Terry Solberg Personal Property
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 5/30/2023 - 6/13/2023
Auction Date/Time Info
Bidding will open on Tuesday, May 30th. Soft Close will be Tuesday, June 13th. Pick up will be in Sioux City, IA on Thursday, June 15th.
Preview Date/Time Bidding will open on Tuesday, May 30th. Soft Close will be Tuesday, June 13th.
Checkout Date/Time -
Buyer Premium 10.00%
This auction has a lot of NICE Household Items, Collectibles , Wool Area Rugs, Small Kitchen Appliances, Home Decor, Yard & Garden Items and MUCH More!!
Auction Terms & Conditions TERMS & CONDITIONS: All buying and bidding will be done by the number system and all buyers need to be registered prior to bidding with proper identification. Descriptions and information are from sources deemed reliable, however, neither the owner or auctioneers are making any guarantees or warranties actual or implied. All items sold "as-is" and all sales are final. Live online bidding will be available at All online sales will have a 10% Buyers Premium added. * SHIPPING IS NOT OFFERED * METHOD OF SALE: All payments to be paid by Credit Card at the time of purchase. Any other arrangements must be approved by Brock Auction Company prior to bidding (712) 548-4634. NO EXCEPTIONS! Address will be posted at the top of the Invoice that will be sent out the following buisiness day! All items must be removed from the home on the pickup date which is posted to the top of all invoices. NO EXCEPTIONS. Any items left at the home will result in forfeiture of the items that were purchased with NO REFUNDS.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 14.00 1.00 USD
14.01 - 95.00 5.00 USD
95.01 - 240.00 10.00 USD
240.01 - 475.00 25.00 USD
475.01 - 5,000.00 50.00 USD
5,000.01 - 9,999,999.99 100.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium 10.00%
Payment Terms
Auction Terms & Conditions TERMS & CONDITIONS: All buying and bidding will be done by the number system and all buyers need to be registered prior to bidding with proper identification. Descriptions and information are from sources deemed reliable, however, neither the owner or auctioneers are making any guarantees or warranties actual or implied. All items sold "as-is" and all sales are final. Live online bidding will be available at All online sales will have a 10% Buyers Premium added. THERE WILL BE NO SHIPPING OFFERED. METHOD OF SALE: All payments to be paid by Credit Card at the time of purchase. Any other arrangements for alternative payments must be approved by Brock Auction Company prior to bidding (712) 548-4634. NO EXCEPTIONS!
THERE WILL BE NO SHIPPING OFFERED. PICKUP INFO - Address will be posted at the top of Buyer's Invoice that will be emailed the following buisiness day! All items must be removed from the home on the pickup date which is posted to the top of all invoices. NO EXCEPTIONS. Any items left at the home will result in forfeiture of the items that were purchased with NO REFUNDS.