Shenandoah Valley Auctions LLC
Shenandoah Valley Auctions, LLC ( Seller ) highly recommends you (buyer) take the time to inspect items you are bidding on during any preview time set up for each auction . You may contact or text Shenandoah Valley Auctions, LLC at 540-333-8837 or send a email to if you have any questions about this auction or need add'l item details or condition report.
Auction items will begin ending at the specified date and time specified on each auction. When placing a bid on an item the lots will close approximately every 18 seconds. Any bid placed by a bidder other than the current winning bidder in the last 1 minute, this will extend the end time for an individual lot by 1 minutes.
Shenandoah Valley Auctions, LLC highly recommends you take the time to inspect items you are bidding on. All items are sold "AS-IS & WHERE-IS". Shenandoah Valley Auctions, LLC makes no guarantee, waranty or representation expressed or implied as to the quantity, kind, size, quality, weight, contents or description of any of the property or its fitness for any use or purpose whatsoever.
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