Online Only Auction
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Price Realized:
5.00 USD
Shipping Not Available
11/14/2024 - 12/11/2024
Auctioneer Information

Bidding Notice:

This Is An Internet Only Auction, Local Pickup Only Auction starts closing on 12-11-24 @ 9:00 am soft close w 25 seconds between lots Auction PU on 12-13-24 from 3-5 pm. 1 Day ONLY If items are not picked up on this date you will not have another opportunity for pick up. NO EXCEPTIONS!! NO Refunds. Failure for buyer to pick up on scheduled day and time will result in buyer ... Show More

Lot # 6
Group - Category Furniture - Mirrors
Lead Vintage wood framed mirror. Approximately 21"x29"
And 2 clock themed wall pictures.
Name Furniture, Cordless Tools, Recliners, Framed Art & More!
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 11/14/2024 - 12/11/2024
Auction Date/Time Info
Online Only Auction Starts Closing @ 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday December 11 Soft Close w/ 25 Seconds Between Lots.
Preview Date/Time NO Preview
Checkout Date/Time Local Pick Up Only on Friday December 13 from 3-5 p.m 1 Day ONLY. ******* NO Shipping
Buyer Premium 18% bp
Furniture, Tools, Household, Chinese Burlwood Chest, Ryobi Cordless Tools, Hiboy Chest of Drawers Queen Anne Style, Heated recliner, Nice Couch, Bedroom Furniture, Outdoor patio furniture, Table w/ 2 chairs, Kerosene Heater, Fiberglass Ladder, Cordless Lawn Mower and Much More!
-LOCAL PICK UP Only! NO SHIPPING NEW LOCATION 601 W 7th Street Greenfield, IN 46140 Auction Starts Closing on Wednesday December 11, 2024 @ 9:00 a.m. w/ 25 seconds between lots. Auction Pick Up is on Friday December 13 From 3:00-5:00 pm . 1 Day ONLY for Pick Up. If Items Are Not Picked Up On This Day they will be considered abandoned and disposed of. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! No refunds will be given for failure to pick up your merchandise. NO CHARGEBACKS. ALL ITEMS AS IS AND NO GUARANTEE ON CONDITION OR COMPLETENESS If you are tax exempt we must receive the current completed ST-105 form via email prior to the start of the auction. Please email to If we do not receive the current form valid for 2024 prior to the start of the auction you will be charged sales tax and no refund will be given. All forms must be current, complete, scanned and emailed to prior to auction starting. Screenshots are not acceptable. A staff member will get your information and direct you into the loading area. Auction staff will bring small items out and buyer shall be responsible for loading items into their own vehicles large items will be buyers responsibility to break down and load into their vehicle. If you purchase large items such as furniture, etc. please bring the necessary man power and equipment needed to load, disassymble, pack, wrap, etc with you auction staff will not bring large items out to your vehicle. There will be no loading assistance or packing supplies onsite. Huber Auction Group, LLC retains the right to govern goods and services sold to clients and to maintain the level and integrity of our business. Items are store goods, overstock, some damaged during shipping, and some items are returns. Auction Company does not verify contents of boxes/items are complete. Might be missing parts, batteries, chargers, might be multiple boxes, or incomplete contents, etc. We encourage all buyers to attend the designated preview day to make their own determination of contents condition, completeness, correct number of boxes, and their own opinion of value based on their own inspection, Huber Auction Group has the right to terminate the auction at any time; withdrawal from sale of any item; to sell at this auction items not listed; to group one of more lots into one or more selling lots or to subdivide into two lots or more selling lots. The auction company also reserves the right to sell all of the items listed in bulk. Payment: a) All payments will be required to be paid for with the credit card on file after auction is complete. b) Sales tax will be charged and collected on all purchases, as required by appropriate state/local laws. If you are sales tax exempt, you will need to provide to us the correct form. ST-105. Sales tax Exemption ST105.pdf. c) Buyer's Premium is 18% Online d) Buyer specifically waves the right to dispute or deny payment for any purchases made with a credit card. e) No items will be removed until they have been paid for. Purchaser is responsible for removal of all purchased goods. No abandonment of purchased items is allowed. All abandoned items will be sold for storage and moving fees. f) Purchases may be paid for and removed at any time during the auction as long as the auction is not disrupted by this activity. Loading Equipment: a) Huber Auction Group does not lend, lease, or borrow any equipment, nor deliver sold goods. Buyer is responsible for their own removal of all items. Please bring any packing material and boxes that you may need. Please bring assistance to move heavy items to your vehicle and any tools for dismantling. Item Removal: All items must be removed within 48 hours of the auction closing and/or within the specified date. If items are not removed by this time they will be forfeited and/or sold for storage. No Liability: a) Huber Auction Group assumes no liability for your purchases. The buyer assumes and does agree to indemnify and hold the auction company and seller harmless from any future claim that shall pertain to fitness or use of the asset being purchased. b) Persons attending during exhibition, sale or removal of goods assume all risks of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release and indemnify the Auction Company from liability therefore. Neither the Auction Company nor his principal or seller shall be liable by reason of any defect in or condition of the premises in which the sale is held. Consignors & Bidders: a) All consignors must fill out a contract with Huber Auction Group, sign forms and abide by our terms listed. b) All bidders must register for bidder's numbers using proper ID or proper information. c) No consignor, seller, or agent for seller has the right to bid on their consigned goods. d) Any employee of Huber Auction Group may bid at any auction if they wish to purchase an item. e) All items become the sole responsibility of the purchaser when the auctioneer confirms your bid as the successful winner. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. f) If there is any dispute between two or more bidders, the auction company or its’ auctioneer, may decide the successful bidder. The decision of the auction company, or its’ auctioneer, shall be final and absolute. Loss of Bidding Privileges: a) If you have failed to pay for an item, or failed to timely pick-up items, your bidding privileges will be revoked. Your privileges may be restored by paying for the item or repaying for the loss of the revenue due to the items not having been sold and by placing a credit card on permanent file whereby future purchases will automatically be charged. Delinquent Accounts: a) The bidder that has not paid for, or has not removed their items from the auction site, will be subject to the cost of storage, trucking, re-sale, deficiency balances, collection fees, and any legal fees for recouping a loss due to the bidder's negligence. Reserves: a) Any and all items that Huber Auction Group agrees to sell are subject to a reserve as per Indiana State Auction Law. Documents: a) All documents must be completed in full by buyers and sellers. For Example: Death Certificates, Letters of Authority, Creditor Liens, and UCC's when purchasing vehicles, firearms, etc. b) All gun buyers will be required to fill out a 4473 form and pass a background check. Out of state buyers will be required to have any and all guns shipped to an FFL (Federal Firearms License) Dealer. Compliance with the Terms of Sale: a) In default of payment of bills in full within the time announced for this auction the Auction Company in addition to all other remedies allowed by law, may retain all monies received as deposit or otherwise, as liquidated damages. b) Huber Auction Group is in complete accordance with Indiana statutes and Indiana Administrative codes, Title 25, Title 812, Department of Revenue Tax Bulletin #20, and Reference IC 6-2-4. Warranties: a) Everything is sold “AS IS/WHERE IS” with no warranties, representation or guarantees expressed, implied or otherwise given. All sales are final. Conditions of Items Sold: a) All information is believed to be accurate, but the auction company shall not be responsible for the correct description, authenticity, genuineness of or defect in any lot, and makes no warranty in connection therewith. No allowance will be made or sale set aside on account of any incorrectness, error in cataloging or any imperfection not noted. No deduction will be allowed on damaged articles as all goods being exposed for public exhibition are sold “as is” and without recourse. Huber Auction Group requires any and all buyers to preview and make your own opinion of conditions. Auctioneers have the right to refuse service or eject any person obstructing the auction process. The record of sale kept by the Auction Company, the audio tape of the auction and the bookkeeper records will be taken as final in the event of any dispute. Local Pick Up Terms: a) All items must be paid for and picked up in the allotted time following the auction. Bidder acknowledges that hardware malfunctions, software malfunctions, viruses, and similar issues do occur and are beyond the knowledge, scope, and control of Auctioneer. We are NOT responsible for your system malfunctions, connection to the internet or your e-mail client stopping any of our e-mails to you regarding bid confirmations and or outbid notifications. If bidding platform has any issues/interuptions during an auction close the auction company reserves the right to postpone the auction and restart the auction from the beginning at a later advertised date and time. regardless of bidding history. This ensures a fair event for all buyers and sellers.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 24.00 1.00 USD
24.01 - 47.50 2.50 USD
47.51 - 95.00 5.00 USD
95.01 - 240.00 10.00 USD
240.01 - 9,999,999.99 25.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium 18% bp
Payment Terms
USD. Mastercard, Visa, & Discover. 18% BP plus Indiana Sales Tax All Credit Cards Will Automatically Be Charged Once Auction Closes ****Any Credit Cards That Are declined after the first time they are ran the buyer will be required to bring exact change cash to pick up. NO EXCEPTIONS! If you Are Tax Exempt You Must Email Your Current Exempt Form Before Auction Starts. Any Received After Auction Starts Will Be Put Into the System For Future Auctions But Tax Will be Collected For Current Auction . Forms must be complete, Current, and scanned and emailed. A screenshot is not acceptable. NO EXCEPTIONS Please email to Any questions email
NEW ADDRESS FOR PICK UP LOCAL PICK UP ONLY 601 W 7th Street Greenfield, IN 46140 Pick up on Thursday November 7 from 1:00-6:00 p.m. If items are not picked up on this date you will not have another opportunity for pick up. If items are not picked up during the designated day and times your merchandise will be considered abandoned and disposed of. NO Refunds will be given for your failure to pick up your items. NO EXCEPTIONS! Any items not picked up will be disposed of and No Refunds will be given. If you purchase large items like furniture Please bring your own help and equipment auction staff will not disassemble furniture and large items and will not bring them to your vehicle buyer will be responsible. There will be NO loading equipment, packing supplies or assistance available onsite.