Auction Date/Time Info |
Lot 1 will start the auction at 6 pm Central Standard Time on Monday, October 21st. Each lot will then follow in numerical order about every 12 seconds. If someone bids on a lot during the last 2 minutes remaining for that item, the auction time will be extended another 2 minutes giving everyone watching the opportunity to bid again on that specific lot.
Description |
We have another Helmkamp auction in Freistatt, Missouri. Everything sells regardless of price. There are some hidden treasures is this old home which was once a small hospital. Yes, a hospital in Freistatt, Missouri!
Welcome to The Estate Depot Auction house. If you are new here we would like to extend a very warm welcome to you! We are a full service auction company. This auction is all online with local pick up at the residence in Freistatt, Missouri on Tuesday the 22nd of October ONLY.
Pre-bidding is open now. We encourage you to pre-bid and enter your maximum bid. The system will proxy bid in increments of $ 1.00 and in the event of a tie, the pre-bidder will be the winner.
Lot 1 will close at 6 PM CST on Monday, October 21st. You can attend the auction from your La-Z-Boy chair as all bidding takes place online. Each lot will close in numerical order starting at 6 pm CST.
Pickup is for this auction is Tuesday, October 22nd from 9:30 am to 4 pm. Shortly after the auction is finished, you'll receive an invoice with instructions on where to pick up. There are no refunds for abandoned items.
Shipping is available using Rapid Ship of Republic, Missouri. We will deliver your winning items to them at no charge. Rapid Ship will then package them and calculate the cost.
If you have any questions please call Steve Becker at 417.699.9480. Happy Bidding!