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This auction will start to close at 1:00PM on Wednesday 8/23/2023 at a rate of 3 lots per minute.
Online Only!!
This Auction is the liquidation of contents from multiple restaurants. This auction is loaded with many great items including chef bases, refrigerated merchandizers, steam pans, dry food storage containers, meat grinder, meat slicer, cotton candy machine, ice cream machine, stainless tables, sauce pots, stock pots, pans, utensils, round chaffing dishes, display signs, menu holders and more.
All of these items are located at our new location at 6010 North Sam Houston Pkwy E Unit 702, Humble, TX 77396
Preview will be Tuesday 8/22/2023 10-4
Pick up for items will be Thursday 8/24 and Friday 8/25 9-5.
You will be required to load your own items, except when a forkift is needed.
No exceptions will be made for late pick up!
Please bring your own help for heavy items. Forklift will be available at this location
No late pick up will be allowed for this auction as we will be bringing the next auction in right behind this one and do not have room to store your items. If you cannot pick up on our stated pick up dates please do not place a bid. Any open invoices or items that are not picked up on time will result in a loss of future bidding priveleges. Thank you for understanding.
If you are not already on our text list you can join by texting "HODGES" to 281-640-8833. There is no cost to you to join and we never share your information with anyone else. We send text messages only twice per auction (once when it goes up and another 2 hours before it starts to close).