Auction Date/Time Info |
This auction is ONLINE ONLY! It begins on Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 6pm and closes on Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 6pm. One item will close every 30 seconds. Please familiarize yourself with the terms & conditions prior to bidding.
Preview Date/Time |
Preview dates and times are as follows: Monday, March 27 through Friday, March 31st from 9-5pm and Monday, April 3 to Thursday, April 6th from 9-5pm. All items should be viewed and picked up at 56 Hubert White Rd., Chadbourn, NC 28431. |
Description |
Online Only Auction!! Find anything from coins, antiques, tools, signs, jewelry, ammo, household items, furniture, collectibles, and much more! What's so great is you can "Bid From Anywhere". These auctions are week long auctions that run from Thursday to Thursday. They start on the 4th Thursday of every month. The end time on closing day is 6pm, but the lots close out using a "soft close" system with 2 lots closing every minute. If someone bids at the last minute, 2 minutes is added to the clock to give time for someone to counter bid. If you have any questions, please call 910-654-5281. Good luck bidding and we appreciate your business!