Lot # : 23 - Die cast Semi. 24” long
This sale is at 228 4th Ave SW, Ituna, Sk, CANADA. Payment must be made to us at Double R Auctions - we Do Not see your credit card information from registering - we DO NOT bill through HiBid. Please e-transfer to doublerauctions@sasktel.net - no security question is required. For those requiring shipping you must contact us with credit card information. For those of you picking up we take ... Show More
Call or text to Preview or get more pictures and information from myself - Robert Ross at my cell 306-795-7387. . Sale starts to close Sunday April 23rd at 6pm, Saskatchewan Time. . Pick Up is in Ituna, SK Canada is at 228 4th Ave SW. Pick Up Days Are: Monday April 24th all day from 10am to 6pm, Tuesday April 25th Morning from 10am to 1pm