ON-LINE ONLY Christensen Estate Auction | Live and Online Auctions on HiBid.com
Smith & Co. Auction & Realty, Inc.
Date(s) 3/7/2023 - 3/22/2023
This ONLINE ONLY Auction will begin to close on Wednesday, March 22nd at 6 p.m. CST.
Bidding Notice:
Smith & Company Auction & Realty, Inc. is not responsible for any errors in bids, omissions of bids, or failure to execute bids and shall have no liability to any bidder for any technical or other failure associated with the internet.
Auction Notice:
There will be a 2 minute soft close on each lot. A soft close prevents individuals from entering a bid at the very last second before an auction closes with the intent to prevent others from bidding higher. This means that if a bidder enters a bid within two minutes of the lot's initial closing time, a two-minute extension will be added on. The lot will not close until bidding is static for two ... Show More