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This auction consists of general merchandise from Amazon. This auction may contain items that could be one of the following: Returned Items, Discontinued, or Damaged we recommend that you preview the items to determine if there are any defects.
Country Green Auctioneering is offering a limited 72-hour auction credit or money refund guarantee.
If the item is damaged to a point of unusable or has major defects affecting the functionality or if the item is not the item in the lot description Country Green Auctioneering will either give auction credit or refund the money paid for the item. Items must be returned within 72 hours of auction close to qualify for guarantee, however due to the high cost of shipping we are not able to offer this to our customers who request shipping unless they pay the return shipping cost.
This auction includes air filters, household appliances, kitchen appliances light fixtures, tools, & solar panels.
Happy Bidding!!