Thomas Welding Machine Shop
Thomas Welding Machine Shop
Assiter & Associates Auctioneers | Levelland, TX 79336
Date(s) :  11/11/2024 - 12/8/2024
Buyer Premium :  Buyer Premium 10% Live or 15% Online

Live Webcast Auction
Live Simulcast Auction Begins December 6th 10 Am CST and December 7th10 AM CST Online Only Auction Portion Ends with Soft Close 3 PM CST Sunday
Retiring Complete Liquidation REAL ESTATE COMPLETE MODERN WELDING SHOP AND MOBILE UNITS Thomas Ortiz used 40+ years building a great welding business specializing in Oild Field and Manufacturing. This facility is loaded with large Lathes, Drills, Welders, Tools, Tooling Parts, and a huge inventory of metal stock including