1-Remy Martin VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac Mini, 80 Proof, 50 ml (x4), 2 of the 4 minis have low fills, one approximately 1 1/4: below neck and the other 1 1/2" below neck. 2-Courvoisier VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac Mini, 80 Proof, 50 ml, transportation sample bottles. (x5), some have slight scuffs on labels but all fill levels are good. 3-Canadian Club 6 Year Blended Canadian Whisky Mini, 86.8 Proof, 50 ml, Distilled: 1978 (x2), tax strips on both bottles appear in good condition with only minor peeling and very little tears. 4-Seagram's 6 Year VO Blended Canadian Whisky Mini, 86.8 Proof, 1/10 Pint, Distilled: 1955, Bottled exclusively for Northwest Orient Airlines, tax strip completely torn through on one end and missing completely on the other, capsule remains sealed and intact. 5-Haig & Haig Pinch Blended Scotch Mini Bottled exclusively for Northwest Orient Airlines, tax strip missing completely, capsule remains sealed and intact. 6-Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey Mini, 80 Proof, 50 ml, low fill approximately 1/4" below shoulder. 7-Raynal VSOP Napoleon French Brandy Mini, 80 Proof, 50 ml. 8-Grand Marnier Tripe Orange Liqueur Mini, 80 Proof, 50 ml.