All items sold "as is, where is" and no warranties. We take cash, check(with driver's License), and we use Square for Credit Cards. For out of state or out of town purchases with credit card, we will need your card number, expiration date, and CVV number. either by phone call, text, or email to pay for items you have won by being the highest bidder. All items are to be paid for at close of the auction. If you require shipping we use Wrap Right Packaging 501-227-8818, Little Rock, Arkansas. You call and make arrangements with them, then contact us if you want your items taken there. Shipping will be between you the buyer and the shipper. Stuart Auctions does not ship, but we will take your items to them, once you have paid for them, at your request. Remember when you register you are agreeing that when you bid and win the item then belongs to you and you are responsible to pay for your items. Be sure to bring help if your items are large or heavy and you need help loading. Bring trailers if you need for many items or large objects. If many small items bring boxes, totes, etc. as you will need. We are not responsible for accidents.