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December Auction/ Last Auction for 2023
Don't miss a great auction with a great mix of items. We have over 6 different consigners in this sale, each bringing something interesting to add to our sale.
Furniture, tools, collectables, house goods, antiques, and lots more.
Auction starts on 12/12/2023 and will soft close at noon on 12/26/2026. Auction pickup will be 12/29/2023 from 3pm to 7pm. If you cannot make this pickup, please reach out to the auctioneer before you bid.
We do ship smaller items, if it states that there is NO shipping for an item, but you would really like to have it shipped please reach out to see if our auctioneer can work with you on that issue.
Shipping takes about 1-2 weeks. We do ship in-house and charge you the cheapest rate we can find.
Please make sure that your credit cards are up to date on file before you bid.
If you have any questions or would like to look at an item, please reach out to our auctioneer.
Enjoy and happy Bidding.