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This auction includes Knives, Swords, Shears, & Blades
We must verify every customer's age with photo ID. If you are picking up in person, you must bring a copy of the photo ID of the customer named on the invoice, as well as your own photo ID. If you require shipping, you must send an email with your invoice attached and a copy of your photo ID to by 4:00 pm on Tuesday 5/16. If an item requires a concealed carry weapons permit, we will need to receive a copy of that as well. Shipping requestors: C2 Management reserves the right to refund any items that are not legal to sell to a customer in your state. Any questions about shipping can be directed to Rachel at 540-931-9235 or
Blades were measured in acordance with AKTI protocol, rounding to the nearest 1/8 of an inch. Folding knives are labelled with their locking mechanism and "automatic" or "assisted opening" when applicable.
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