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Check out the great deals on our latest consignment sale. Items included in this sale are a 9N Ford Tractor, Farmall 806 Tractor, New 42 Foot FW Heavy Duty Head Trailer, Parker 2600 seed tender wagon, International 400 Planter, 30 Foot Wil-Rich Field Cultivator, multiple John Deere Running Gears, John Deere 350 Sickle Mower, Numerous Hi-Speed Water Trailers, multiple 300+ gallon water tanks, and other machinery items. Coin items include numerous silver bars, American Eagle silver coins, and numerous gold Donald Trump Bills, and Gold Bills. Tools included on this sale are numerous wrenches, socket sets, and Tape Measures from Brands such as Craftsman, Pittsburgh Tools, and Stanley. As well as many other miscellaneous hand tools. Toys included on this sale are toys from ERTL such as Die Cast Tractors and Cars, Model Ford, Chevy, Corvette, and Nascar Cars. As well as various tonka dump trucks, Cranes, and Semis. Items will be added up to three days before the sale ends so check back often and don't miss out on your chance to bid.