Name |
Michael Goss's Retirement Auction |
Auctioneer |
Lang Auctions and Appraisals
Type |
Online-Only Auction |
Date(s) |
1/10/2025 - 1/31/2025 |
Auction Date/Time Info |
January 10, 2025 (10 am Mountain Standard Time) to January 31, 2025 (5 pm Mountain Standard Time)
Preview Date/Time |
There will a preview of all items on January 4th, 2025 from 12-2 pm. Please contact Lang Auctions to schedule a viewing time. If you can't make this preview, then you can contact Lang Auctions to schedule a special viewing. Additional pictures are available upon request. if you have any questions, then please don't hesitate to reach out to Lang Auctions. Please remember that you are bidding on vintage and antique items. These are used items that are not in perfect shape. Items have not been tested to be in working order. Items may be missing pieces too. |
Checkout Date/Time |
Checkout Times will be February 7, 8, and 9 from 10 am-5 pm after payments have cleared. If you can't make these dates or times, then you may contact Lang Auctions and Appraisals to schedule an alternative time. Items that have not been picked up by February 21 maybe be charged a $10 storage fee. Any items not picked up by February 23rd will be forfeited. Lang Auctions will refund any forfeited winning bids but a $10 forfeiture fee will be applied. |
Location |
Buyer Premium |
10% buyer's premium on all lots |
Description |
Michael Goss, antique dealer for many years, was forced to retire due to chronic health problems and would appreciate your assistance to help in his retirement. Due to a fixed income and high living costs in Arizona, he must relocate from the Valley of the Sun within the next six months and move closer to the Midwest where he is from. His focus, which is really a need, is purchasing an inexpensive RV to go off grid and try to enjoy his remaining years with flexible living arrangements and the ability to travel within his health restrictions. Your bids are greatly appreciated and will help him tremendously.