Live Webcast Auction
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Price Realized:
250.00 USD
Shipping Available
Price Realized 250.00 USD
Date Sold 2025-01-26T00:00:00
1/11/2025 - 1/25/2025
Auctioneer Information

Bidding Notice:

Last Call

Lot # 188
Group - Category Cars & Vehicles - Light Duty Trucks - Pickup Trucks 2WD - 1 Ton
Type Live Webcast Auction
Date(s) 1/11/2025 - 1/25/2025
Auction Date/Time Info
Saturday January 25th at 10:04 AM
Preview Date/Time Friday January 24th from 10-6
Checkout Date/Time January 27th-31st 8-5
Buyer Premium 15% Buyer's Premium
2-1957 Chevy's, 1978 Chevy Blazer, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Ford Rancero, Bugati Kit Car, 1951 Chevy Coupe, Military Cargo Trucks, Humvees, Duece in a Halfs, 1997 Chevy Corvette, 1973 Pontiac Cutlass, 1999 Jeep Wrangler, 1987 Jeep CJ7, 1932 Ford Pickup, 1987 Buick Grand National, 2018 Mercedes Benz Jayco Melbourne Motorhome, 1960's Chevy Pickup Project Truck, 1970;s Chevy Surburban Project Car, 1984 Chevy SWB, 1970's VW Bug, 1970 Chrysler 300, 1977 Pontiac Trans Am, 1952 GMC Wrecker, Military Vehicles, Semi Trucks by Freighliner and International, Boats, Trailers, P&H Crane, Mechanics Truck, Storage Boxes, Military Surplus, Vehicle Lifts, Brake Turning Machine, Pole Trucks, Roll Off Trucks, Work Trucks, Flat Nose Bus, Ambulances, Hand and Power Tools, Tools Boxes, Cherry Picker, Carl Hauler, Enclosed Traier, Alkota Power Washer on Trailer, LS Engine,
TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Each and every lot will be sold "as is-where is" with no guarantees or warranties expressed or implied. Nor is any item guaranteed to be of any particular age, model, make, year of manufacture, or condition. 2. All sales are final. Braden& Son's has no obligation to accept the return of any property purchased at public auction 3. All purchases must be paid in full on each day of sale before leaving the sale site. In the event the buyer fails to make settlement in full on the sale day, Braden Auction Services may resale the property at their sole discretion and the original buyer shall be responsible for all damages and expenses of the resale including attorney's fees. 4. A 10% Buyer's Premium will be charged for MOST auctions. Please ask registration clerk for details pertaining to this auction. 5. Buyer's MUST NOT remove purchase from the premises until all buyer's purchases are paid in full. Buyer may NOT rearrange, move, or remove any item until given verbal permission by Braden & Son's staff. 6. Any announcements made by Auctioneer at any time take precedence over any printed matter pertaining to this auction. 7. Tied bids will be handled at the sole discretion of the Auctioneer. Auctioneer retains the right to reject any and all bids and to advance the bidding at his sole discretion. 8. Bidder acknowledges that an auction site is a potentially dangerous place and that every person at the auction site shall be there at their own risk. No person shall have any claim against Braden Auction Services or their employers, agents, employees, or principals for any injuries sustained nor for any damages to or loss of property which may occur from any cause whatsoever. 9. Acceptance of a bid number signifies full knowledge and adherence to all of the above conditions. This agreement is binding upon the parties, their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assignees. Failure to adhere to any of the above terms constitutes a breech of contract between the holder of this card and Braden & Sons 10. All sales are final. WE NOT NOT SHIP FIREARMS AOUT OF THE COUNTRY OR TO CALIFORNIA!!
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 250.00 10.00 USD
250.01 - 500.00 25.00 USD
500.01 - 1,000.00 100.00 USD
1,000.01 - 5,000.00 500.00 USD
5,000.01 - 10,000.00 1,000.00 USD
10,000.01 - 100,000.00 2,500.00 USD
100,000.01 - 9,999,999.99 10,000.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium 15% Buyer's Premium
Payment Terms
We accept all major credit cars, cash and checks as long as they are on a Texas Bank at our auction house. All internet bidders will pay with the card that they registered with.
Anything not being picked up between Jan 27th and Jan 31st between 8-5 will be shipped at buyers expense if it will fit in a small, medium or large flat rate box. If you purchase something with a motor or something large you will need to arrange you own shipping.