Online Only Auction
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12/30/2024 - 1/20/2025
Auctioneer Information
Bidding Notice:

Buyers Premium Applies on All items Buyer Premium is $0-$5,000 is 15% per item Items over $5,000 are 10% per item. Items over $5,000 are 10% per item

Auction Notice:

Please note auction location of items and pickup dates. Pickuup begins on January 22nd In Illiopolis- loader is available on Jan. 22nd ONLY from 10-3. Bidders picking up after that date will need to arrange for their own loading method.

Lot # 405
Group - Category Construction & Farm - Construction Attachments - Thumb
Lead GIYI Excavator Thumb 2024+, R1
, GIYI,Fit to CAT 3 Sn. 241101-01-24
Name 01 20 2025 Equipment & Consignment Online Only Auction
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 12/30/2024 - 1/20/2025
Auction Date/Time Info
Auction date is January 20th, 2025 items begin closing at 10 a.m. CST
Preview Date/Time Onsite Preview will be January 17th 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Offsite Preview: January 17th 10:00 AM until 2 P/M
Checkout Date/Time Check out items on January 22nd and 23rd from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. A loader will be onsite to assist with your loadout on January 22nd ONLY. Please be prepared with any tools you may need to load.
Buyer Premium 0-$5000 = 15% $5000and up 10% per item
January 20th, 2025 ________________ Joe Donovan Estate- Equipment, Tools, Shop items located at 6801 Macon County Line Rd., Illiopolis IL Excavators * Skidsteers * Pallet Forks * Toys * Tools- Something for everyone! Martin Auction is working with Luke Lee and David Lee Gaule to bring you this auction. Auction Preview: Friday, January 17th from 10-2. Loadout & Payment: All payments are to be made at Martin Auction Services in Clinton, IL prior to load-out. Payment information, including wire transfer information, will be sent with your invoice. Pickup is on January 22 and 23 from 10-3 both days. NOTE: We will have a loader in Illiopolis on Wednesday, January 22nd from 10 am until 3 pm. This is the ONLY DAY of loader assistance in Illiopolis. Anyone loading out after that will need to bring their own loading equipment. ______________ Other Consigments may be located at Martin Auction in Clinton, Illinois. VARIOUS PICKUP LOCATIONS- please see the item location in the description. _____________ Buyer Premium: 15% buyer premium for items selling up to $5,000 10% buyer premium for items selling over $5,001 All bidders are responsibe for picking up their own items. Shipping is the responsibility of the buyer. All items sell AS-IS- with no Warranty. Information provided by auction company is believed to be correct; however bidder verification is stongly encouraged. Buyer beware!
1. I understand that I am liable for all purchases made on my registered number and further agree to make settlement in full for said purchases on auction day or within the next business day, including applicable sales tax, buyer premium, and title handling fees, on auction day or a handling fee will be added to my invoice and due. SALES TAX MAY APPLY; please see lot description. Acceptable payment includes CASH, credit card (with 4% convienience fee) or wire transfer (bank fees may apply). Business and personal checks are accepted when they are accompanied with a Bank Letter of Guarantee; all bidders unknown to Martin Auction should provide a Bank Letter of Guarantee. Cashier checks are NOT preferred. No credit cards accepted for titled items. 2. All auction articles are sold "As Is - Where Is". Warranties or guarantees are strictly between buyer and seller - not Martin Auction. Buyer agrees that any additional As-Is waivers will be signed and returned to Martin Auction prior to picking up an item. All waivers may be reviewed PRIOR to the Auction. All makes, models, years, serial numbers, etc. are subject to bidder/ buyer verification. Martin Auction DOES NOT warranty miles, hours or meters of any items. All bidders are to rely upon their own inspection with respect to condition or hours/ miles on any items. 3. I understand and agree to pay the buyers premium charged, this is 15% online. 4. I agree that I have inspected all items that I purchase prior to the auction of an item and agree to pay for any item I win. I also understand that I am buying AS-IS; a used item with faults and that the item may or may not run or operate and that there are NO REFUNDS on the items that I purchase. Items located off-site will be listed in the description box & will be picked up from that listed location. 5. Any item with a title is subject to IST 6.25% (IL State Sales Tax) or VUT (Vehicle Use Tax) amount based on model year. There is a $50.00 title handling fee applied per title. No credit cards are accepted for payment of titled items; however title and tax fees are accepted on credit cards. I understand and agree that all TITLE & REGISTRATION FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE after the sale of an item. Bidders must request a refund by directly contacting the Illinois Secretary of State for reimbursement- if any. Any warranty issues that may develop would be arbitrated with the item returned to Martin Auction; any hauling fees will be paid by the buyer. 6. All purchases are to be paid for in full on day of live auction or next business day for online; and prior to removal from the auction site. Cash accepted. Handling charges may apply on credit card and personal checks. Wire transfer accepted next business day and items remain on lot until after payment is confirmed. No credit cards accepted for titled items. 7. Martin Auction assumes no responsibility for accidents, stolen or damaged property. Items left at the auction site are at the owner's risk and the I understand that I should insure any of my items to the degree of protection I want. 8. The Auctioneer in charge will settle any disputes as to bids and that decision will be final. The Auctioneer also reserves the right to accept or reject bids at his discretion. 9. I understand that Martin Auction (or any of its divisions) shall have the right to collect attorney fees, interest and/or collection costs and disbursements in the event that I shall default on any transaction(s) at this auction on this date in accordance with the "Terms and Conditions" set forth. Further, I agree to pay same. 10. All announcements made on auction day will take precedence over all printed materials. Any item may be removed from auction without notice. 11. I understand any personal or business information disclosed can be used for (email, phone, text, etc.) communication and marketing purposes- We will NOT sell your personal information. 12. I understand and agree that any items remaining at the auction site after the assigned pickup days may be resold or disposed of by Martin Auction. I agree that those items are forfeited with no reimbursement to me or those I represent. Storage fees may be applied if items are left at the site beyond the agreed pickup date if they are not disposed of. 13. I agree that any litigation due to an issue arising from the auction must be filed and tried in DeWitt County, Illinois. 14. I understand that if I inflict or cause any damage to any real or personal property or to any person, that I am responsible for the costs associated with that damage. I understand that once I purchase an item, I am responsible to insure it against damage, theft or any other issue that may arrise. 15. All firearms will be sold according to federal laws. Anyone wishing to bid on firearms from Illinois must have a valid FOID card. All guns are located at an FFL dealers location in Bloomington, IL. he will charge a fee of $40.00 per gun, over the final bid & buyer premium amount to transfer the gun. Shipping is an option that buyer will pay for if they desire to have a weapon shipped. 16. Martin Auction DOES NOT SHIP! A preffered shipper will pick up at our location; buyers may contact our office to request shipping. We are NOT affiliated with the shipper, please do not contact us regarding shipping details.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 9.00 1.00 USD
9.01 - 98.00 2.00 USD
98.01 - 245.00 5.00 USD
245.01 - 990.00 10.00 USD
990.01 - 9,975.00 25.00 USD
9,975.01 - 19,950.00 50.00 USD
19,950.01 - 9,999,999.99 100.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium 0-$5000 = 15% $5000and up 10% per item
Payment Terms
All items are to be paid for at Martin Auction's office on Jan. 21 in person or by wire transfer. Please contact our office for payment details. 217-935-3245. Acceptable methods of payment are Cash, Credit Card (for non titled items) or Bank Wire. Checks are accepted with a bank letter of guarantee or a substantial history with Martin Auction (including Cashier Checks).
Martin Auction does NOT SHIP. is an option for bidders who may need shipping assistance. You would simply let us know if you would require shipping, then we can contact them on your behalf; they will then contact you regarding where to ship and for shipping payments.