Online Only Auction
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Price Realized:
9,950.00 CAD
Shipping Not Available
1/21/2025 - 1/25/2025
Auctioneer Information

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This is a Timed Online Only Auction. All bidding takes place online. Please read Terms and Conditions before bidding. Please take note that Absentee / Max bids will be present in this auction.

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This is only a partial catalog, full catalog to be posted by Tuesday January 21, 2025 More preview images coming... Please do not show up to make payments or pick up your items until 40 minutes after the last lot has been closed. Payments can only be taken after all lots have been closed.

Lot # 995
Group - Category Cars & Vehicles - Light Duty Trucks - Pickup Trucks 2WD - 1 Ton
Lead 2019 Ford F-350 Super Duty Flat Deck Pickup
YEAR: 2019 MAKE: Ford MODEL: F350 ODOMETER: 160,052 Km's HOURS:18,130 Showing ENGINE: 6.2 Liter FUEL TYPE: Gasoline TRANSMISSION: Automatic DRIVE TYPE: 4 Wheel Drive BODY STYLE: Flat Deck TRIM: XLT DOORS: 4 BOX LENGTH: 8 Ft Deck CAB TYPE: Crew Cab COLOR: White TIRE SIZE: LT275/70R18 REGISTRATION: BC Registered CONSIGNER STATES: - Runs Rough, Engine has a knock, - Runs & Drives, - Weak Battery, - Power Locks, - Power Windows VIN NUMBER:1FT8W3B64KEF30465 - Items must be paid in full by MONDAY JANUARY 27, 2025. LATE FEES will be applied after the due date. - Rhythm Auctions collected detailed equipment information. Any information is subject to additions or deletions. - All buyers are to inspect items before bidding. - Bids cannot be retracted. Everything sells "as is, where is". Read the full terms and conditions before you bid. - All items that have registration must be registered in the purchaser's name before leaving the auction site Inventory Number: 3888
Name Online Only Unreserved Consignment Auction Jan. 22-25, 2025
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 1/21/2025 - 1/25/2025
Auction Date/Time Info
This is a Timed Online Only Auction: - Bidding Opens: Jan. 22, 2025 @ 10am MST - First Lot Closes: Jan. 25, 2025 @ 10am MST Every subsequent lot closing every 40 seconds thereafter.
Preview Date/Time Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm MST
Checkout Date/Time PAYMENT CAN ONLY BE TAKEN ONCE ALL LOTS HAVE BEEN CLOSED. Last Day For Payments: Jan. 27, 2025 (8am - 5pm MST) CLOSED JAN. 31, 2025
Buyer Premium 10% up to $2500, 4% after, max $1500
Online Only Unreserved Consignment Auction January, 22-25, 2025
Terms and Conditions 1. Rhythm Auctions Ltd. acts as an agent for the owner not as the owner. 2. All items must be paid for in full in CANADIAN FUNDS on sale day by Cash, Certified Cheque, Debit, Visa, or MasterCard and before items are removed from the premises. Please do not show up to pay or pick up your items till Monday, January 27, 2025 from 8 am to 5 pm. ONLINE BIDDERS HAVE TILL Monday, January 27, 2025 TO PAY FOR THEIR ITEMS WHICH CAN BE DONE BY CALLING THE OFFICE TO PAY BY VISA OR MASTER CARD, OR YOU CAN STOP BY THE OFFICE TO PAY. ONLINE BIDDERS CAN ALSO SEND AN E-TRANSFER OR WIRE TRANSFER BUT WIRE TRANSFERS WILL BE SUBJECT TO A $20 FEE. Applicable Taxes GST and PST will be charged on every item that is taxable. ONLINE BUYER'S PREMIUM: 10% Buyer's Premium on every lot / item that sells for $2500 or less and a 4% Buyer's Premium on every lot / item that sells for $2501 or more but only up to a maximum of $1500. 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Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 1,000.00 25.00 CAD
1,000.01 - 10,000.00 50.00 CAD
10,000.01 - 100,000.00 100.00 CAD
100,000.01 - 9,999,999.99 500.00 CAD
Currency CAD
Buyer Premium 10% up to $2500, 4% after, max $1500
Payment Terms
Payment can only be taken once all lots are closed. - Last Day For Payments: Jan. 27, 2025 (8am - 5pm MST) - CLOSED WEEKENDS & CLOSED JAN. 31, 2025 Payment Options - By calling 250-261-8901 with Visa or Mastercard - By e-transfer to - In person with cash, certified cheque, debit, Visa, or Mastercard Taxes: GST and PST will be charged on applicable items Buyer's Premium: - 10% on items sold for $2500 or less - 4% on items sold for $2501 or more (up to a maximum of $1500)
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