Online Only Auction
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Price Realized:
1.00 USD
Shipping Not Available
12/15/2024 - 1/14/2025
Auctioneer Information
Bidding Notice:

10% Buyers Premuim Applies.

Auction Notice:

Tanks have been emptied and cleaned. Buyer responsible for removal and any risk associtated with removal of fuel processing system.

Lot # 505
Group - Category Construction & Farm - Shop / Warehouse - Hoses
Lead Plastic Pipe, Hose
Name Walsh Bio Fuels
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 12/15/2024 - 1/14/2025
Auction Date/Time Info
Lots start closing on Tuesday January 14th at 9:00 AM
Preview Date/Time Monday, January 13 - 11 AM to 1 PM
Checkout Date/Time Wednesday, January 15th 9 AM to 2 PM
Buyer Premium 10% buyer's premium
Walsh BioFuels is discontinuing business. This auction features all equipment necessary for producing bio diesel plus lots of spare pumps, motors, variable drives, and much more. The tanks have been emptied an cleaned. Buyer responsible for removal and any risk associtated with removal.
10% online buyer's premium. All items are sold “AS IS” and all sales are final. Buyer is responsible for removal and clean up of any liquids. No returns or refunds for any reason. By registering for this auction and/or bidding you acknowledge to having read and accepted the terms and conditions of this auction. Gavin Bros. Auctioneers LLC accepts cash, good checks (bank letter of guarantee must accompany checks from buyers unknown to the auction company), wire transfers, ACH payments, certified checks, Master Card, Visa or Discover Credit Cards (3% convenience fee for using credit/debit cards). Maximum allowable charge on credit cards is $2,000 unless pre-approved. Credit cards are not accepted for titled vehicles. Sales tax applies unless Gavin Bros is provided with a sales tax exemption form (buyer’s premium is taxable). If buyer does not contact Gavin Bros within 24 hours of the auction the credit card on file will be charged. Buyer is responsible for removal & disconnecting of all items. Once item is sold it becomes the buyer's responsibility and risk of loss or damage remains with the buyer. Buyer responsible for removal and any risk associtated with removal. If a buyer fails to pay in full for an item the buyer will be black listed and not allowed to participate in any Gavin Bros. auction and reported to other HiBid auction companies as a non-paying bidder. For onsite auctions (not located at the Gavin Auction Facility) all items must be picked up at the designated pickup times, no exceptions unless prior arrangements are made. If they are not picked up at the designated pickup times the items are considered abandoned and become the property of the Auction Company or seller. The buyer is still responsible for full payment, no refunds will be given. Shipping is not available. Lots start closing on Tuesday, January 14th @ 9 AM CST. Lots close at a rate of one every 30 seconds. This is a soft close auction meaning if anyone places a bid on a lot within the last minute prior to the lot closing the bidding is extended an additional minute. Gavin Bros. reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason. Buyers are encouraged to inspect items prior to bidding at the inspection day. Gavin Bros. Auctioneers LLC may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising or on the internet, but makes no representations. In no event shall Gavin Bros. Auctioneers LLC be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. Bidders who do not attend an inspection (or bid from off site during a live/online auction) understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person. It is the bidder’s responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Questions are encouraged from buyers prior to bidding. Auction company employees and/or the auction company may bid on auction items. Should a dispute arise between Gavin Bros. Auctioneers LLC and bidder, Bidder waives any right to a trial or hearing in a court of law and agrees to settle the dispute through arbitration in Sauk County, Wisconsin. All arbitration fees will be split equally between both parties. Bidder further agrees that under no circumstances will he/she initiate a charge back on his/her credit card. Bidder agrees that everything is sold as is and that they may not return any item they purchase. Gavin Bros. Auctioneers LLC is using HiBid online bidding services. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of auction. Under no circumstances shall bidder have any kind of claim against Gavin Bros. Auctioneers LLC., the seller, or anyone else if the internet service fails to work correctly before or during the auction. Gavin Bros Auctioneers LLC reserves the right to pause, delay, or restart bidding at any time. Gavin Bros. Auctioneers LLC will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Gavin Bros. Auctioneers LLC reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog any item on this auction.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 25.00 1.00 USD
25.01 - 100.00 2.00 USD
100.01 - 250.00 5.00 USD
250.01 - 500.00 10.00 USD
500.01 - 2,000.00 25.00 USD
2,000.01 - 5,000.00 50.00 USD
5,000.01 - 10,000.00 100.00 USD
10,000.01 - 9,999,999.99 250.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium 10% buyer's premium
Payment Terms
PAYMENT - All Payments are due on Wednesday, January 15th. For larger purchases (over $5,000) we accept wire transfers, ACH payments, certified or approved business checks. Gavin Bros. Auctioneers LLC accepts cash, good checks (bank letter of guarantee must accompany checks from buyers unknown to the auction company), wire transfers, certified checks, Master Card, Visa or Discover Credit Cards (3% convenience fee for using credit/debit cards). Maximum allowable charge on credit cards is $2,000 unless pre-approved. Credit cards are not accepted for titled vehicles. Sales tax applies unless Gavin Bros is provided with a sales tax exemption form (buyer’s premium is taxable). If buyer does not contact Gavin Bros within 24 hours of the auction the credit card on file will be charged. If a buyer fails to pay in full for an item the buyer will be black listed and not allowed to participate in any Gavin Bros. auction and reported to other HiBid auction companies as a non-paying bidder. For onsite auctions (not located at the Gavin Auction Facility) all items must be picked up at the designated pickup times, no exceptions unless prior arrangements are made. If they are not picked up at the designated pickup times the items are considered abandoned and become the property of the Auction Company or seller. The buyer is still responsible for full payment, no refunds will be given. Shipping is not available.
PICKUP - is Wednesday, January 15th for smaller items. Loading will be available on the 15th. Large items including Bio Diesel processing equipment must be removed by June 1st. Buyer is responsible for removal & disconnecting of all items. Once item is sold it becomes the buyer's responsibility and risk of loss remains with the buyer. LOCATION - N3092 US Highway 12 & 16, Mauston, WI 53948.