Online Only Auction
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Price Realized:
27.50 CAD
13 Bids
Time Remaining: Bidding Closed -
Shipping Available
12/12/2024 - 12/18/2024
Bidding Notice:

As a user you abide by all rules, Terms and Conditions Once you have placed a bid it is now considered a legal contract your bid is irrevocable and can not be corrected, even if submitted in error you are responsible for the purchase and the pick-up time of your items. All Bids are Final! All items have a mandatory 8% buyers’ premium and 13% HST that will be added to your final purchase price. ... Show More

Auction Notice:

Please use the Sign Up Genius link that will be provided in your email from us after the sale to schedule a day and time for pickup. We have Changed our Thursday hours for pickup to better accommidate you.