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12/3/2024 - 12/13/2024
Auctioneer Information

Bidding Notice:

This catalog is for bidders that are not able to attend the live auction. Make sure you have read the terms and understand the process of ABSENTEE BIDDING before you bid.

Auction Notice:

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Lot # 10
Group - Category Construction & Farm - Livestock Equipment - Feeders
Lead hay ring
Name December 14th Consignment Auction
Type Internet Absentee Bidding
Date(s) 12/3/2024 - 12/13/2024
Preview Date/Time BY appointment call Trey 580 369 8689
Buyer Premium see terms and conditions
Join us Live on December 14th or leave us an ABSENTEE BID if you are unable to attend the live auction. Bid on trucks, trailers, skid steer attachments, mini excavators, excavator attachments, side by sides, man made limestone blocks, trailer mounter smoker, and much more.
By placing a bid in this auction, you hearby confirm that you have read and agree to comply with the auction terms and conditions, as stated in this document. 1: All items purchased AS IS WHERE IS, with no warranty or guarantee. 2: This is an ABSENTEE bid auction for buyers that will not be able to attend the live auction. The absentee auction will close at 5:00 pm CST Friday 12/13/2024. The bids from the absentee bid auction will be taken to the live auction on Saturday 12/14/2024 to compete with the live bids. After the live auction is complete, bid notifications will be sent to all bidders. 3: Garrett Realty & Auction will do their best to represent all auction items accurately however we make no representations or guarantees.In no event shall Garrett Realty & Auction be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Garrett Realty & Auction will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise. Garrett Realty & Auction encourages potential buyers to view and inspect items before they bid. 4: A buyers premium will be applied to the high bid. 13% Buyers premium Credit Card 10% Buyers premium Cash or pre approved check. 5: Any buyer that wishes to pay by check must be pre approved prior to auction day by Garrett Realty & Auction staff. 6: Local taxes apply unless exemption documentation is presented and applicable. 7: All items paid in full day of auction unless special arrangements have been made. 8: Buyers are encouraged to have all purchased items off of the premisis by Sunday 11/10/2024 by 3:00pm. Additional pick up days will be Monday 12/16/24 from 10:00-4:00 and Tuesday 12/16/24 from 10:00-4:00 Please contact Trey if you would like to request special arrangements for pick up, 580-369-8689. We will do our best to accomodate you if we can. 9: Internet & Technology Issue Disclaimer: Garrett Realty & Auction ( Auction Company ) is providing an online (Internet) auction as a service to bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that there is always a possibility that the technology service may or may not function correctly during the auction. Under no circumstances shall bidder have any kind of claim against the seller, the auction company, it's agents or representitives in the event the internet service fails to work correctly during the online portion of the auction. The auction company will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid may be acknowleged in the event of technology failure, should use the "maximum bid" feature and leave their maximum bid at least 24 hours before the auction closes. Auction company reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction at any point prior to the end of the auction. 10: The seller and/or auction company reserves the right to refuse service to any person or entity. 11: All announcements made prior to the close of the auction take precedence over any and all written or verbal statements. 12. Firearms transfers will take place at Clean Shot Armory in Kerrville. You will need to contact Bob to set up an appointment to pick up your firearms or have them shipped. All firearms will be paid for prior to pickup. The card you registered with will be charged following the auction. There will be no cost to the buyer for the transfers of the firearms. If you need a firearm shipped there will be shipping costs applied. Any items purchased and not removed from Garrett Auctions premisis within 5 business days will be forfieted and resold as Garrett Auctions property.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 50.00 1.00 USD
50.01 - 95.00 5.00 USD
95.01 - 975.00 25.00 USD
975.01 - 20,000.00 100.00 USD
20,000.01 - 50,000.00 250.00 USD
50,000.01 - 97,500.00 500.00 USD
97,500.01 - 9,999,999.99 10,000.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium see terms and conditions
Payment Terms
Pre approved checks ONLY Cash Credti Card
See terms and conditions.