Online Only Auction
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11/29/2024 - 12/6/2024
Auctioneer Information

Bidding Notice:

Krista will be delivering before Christmas, in the Wasaga Collingwood, Elmvale area, if you wish to get on the list, please just pay the delivery fee of $10 and notify me Anna, and I will put you on the list There is a 10% Buyers Premium

Auction Notice:

There is a 10% buyers premium on all items

Lot # 43
Group - Category Antiques & Collectibles - Collectibles - Typewriters
Lead Vintage Typewriter Model, Retro Portable Manual
Props for Home Office, Artistic Vintage Appearance, Unique Gift Just a model, does not operate
Name 3 Auctions Before Christmas of New Misguided Freight 46
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 11/29/2024 - 12/6/2024
Auction Date/Time Info
This auction will begin to close on Friday December 6th at 8PM
Preview Date/Time There is no preview for this sale, all activity will take place online
Checkout Date/Time NO PICK UP IN ELMVALE - FLEA MARKET HAS CLOSED FOR THE SEASON Pick up is available in Melancthon most days, just text to confirm, so that we have your purchases ready. Krista has started delivering again every couple of weeks, at a cost of $10 delivery to the Collingwood, Wasaga, Elmvale, Barrie area, You can combine auctions, so that you only have to pay 1 delivery fee. Reach out to Krista after this sale, to see when delivery will start.
Buyer Premium On all purchases
This sale consists of New Misguided freight, meaning, All items are new unless otherwise stated, these are items that were ordered and for whatever reason, didn't make it to the end user, Some of the Retail outlets represented here are Amazon, Indigo, Crate and Barrel, Torrid, to name a few.
Please keep in mind that bids are a binding contract We reserve the right to cancel, any bid for any reason We reserve the right to cancel and/or reopen the auction in the case of system failures.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 9,999,999.99 1.00 CAD
Currency CAD
Buyer Premium On all purchases
Payment Terms
Please make payment vie etransfer to or by cash at the time of pick up
We do not offer shipping, If there is something you can't live without and will need it shipped, please contact us first, As shipping is extremely expensive from Canada and rarely does the purchaser want to incur this cost.