Online Only Auction
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Price Realized:
226.00 USD
Shipping Not Available
11/8/2024 - 11/29/2024
Auctioneer Information

Bidding Notice:

10% Buyers Premium. Payment at time of sale. Possession for personal property with payment. Cash, Credit Card, Good Check. Please come for payment and pickup: Saturday Nov 30th 8-1pm. 4500 Cookeville Hwy Cookeville, TN 38506. All firearms purchases are subject to one time $10 TBI background check & $20 handling fee per gun.

Lot # 73a
Group - Category Sporting Goods - Firearms / Weapons - Rifles
Lead Henry U.S Survival .22
Name Remington • Browning • Winchester • Firearms • Ammunition
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 11/8/2024 - 11/29/2024
Auction Date/Time Info
Bidding ends Friday Nov 29th 5pm
Preview Date/Time Monday Nov 25th 4-6pm
Checkout Date/Time Payment & Pickup: Saturday Nov 30th 8-1pm.
Buyer Premium 10% Buyers Premium
A large Assortment Of Firearms & Ammo Including: Remingtons, Smith & Wessons, Henry Repeating Arms, Glenfields, Mossbergs, Stevens, Charles Daly, Winchesters, Hopkins & Allens, Rugers, Raptors, Nitro Hunter, Spring Fields, Savage, Mossberry, Tri-Star, Weatherby, Taurus, Browning, Millennium, Heritage, Remington 30-30 Win, 357 Magnum Bullets, Blazer 9mm Luger, Sinter Fire, Armscor 223 Remington 62gr., Fiocchi Field 16ga, Winchester 30-30, Federal 20ga, Remington 12ga, & So Much More!
1: Cross Roads Auction Group (CAG) are agents for the seller, bidders are representing themselves 2: Possession for personal property with payment. Cash, Credit Card, Good Check. Please come for payment and pickup .Saturday Nov 30th 8-1pm. 4500 Cookeville Hwy Cookeville, TN 38506 3: There will be a 10% buyers premium added to the final bid to establish the final selling price. All firearms purchases are subject to $10 TBI background check & $20 handling fee.  4: Each CAG auction may have different bidding increments. The software will calculate the next bid amount before submitting bids. 5: Bidders will need to watch their bidding screen to determine the current winning bid. Bidders will recieve a email notice of Outbid but not guaranteed. 6: CAG is not responsible for incorrect or missing listing information. CAG has attempted to provide accurate information. However it is the bidders responsiblity to conduct any inspection to determine condition. Bidders should complete their own due diliegence prior to bidding. 7: CAG shall modify detail of this auction for any reason including but not limited to technical issues, emergencies, and convenience of the auction firm or selller. 8: In the event that there are techincal difficulties related to the auction platform, server, or any other auction related technologies CAG reserves the right to extend bidding, continue the bidding, or close the bidding. Niether the company providing the software nor CAG shall be held responsible for a missed bid or the failure of the software to function properly for any reason. 9: All items with a title will sell with either the title or a bill of sale. 10: The buyer acknowledges here in that the property is being sold "As Is" with all faults and neither the seller nor CAG makes any warranties or representations, express or implied, as to the conditions of the personal property. The seller is not responsible for any repairs. 11: Any buyer or bidder not executing their responsibilities at the conclusion of this auction shall pay CAG an amount equal to the Buyer Premium or commission and any expenses incurred for this auction. The buyer shall also pay the seller any damages caused by said breach of contract including attorney fees and cost. In the event any bidder defaults shall be banned from bidding at any other CAG auction. 12: CAG resereves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason. CAG reserves the right to cancel this auction or remove any lot prior to the close of bidding. 13: All bids are subject to seller confirmation unless noted Absolute. 14: Possesion is with payment at pickup. 15: The identity of all bidders will be verified. If a complete verification is not possible then CAG will reject the bidder and the bidding activity will be terminated. 16: Bidders agree to keep their username and password confidential, as they are responsible for any and all activity involving their account. All bidders must be 18 years of age or older. 18: This auction is subject to a soft close out or bidding extension. 20: All gun purchases require a background check, and are subject to federal law. $10 background check. $15 per gun handling fee. 21. Items are shipped at buyer's expense. Buyer is required to purchase shipping insurance. Seller and Auctioneer are not responsible for lost items that are shipped.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 9,999,999.99 1.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium 10% Buyers Premium
Payment Terms
Personal property payment due at pickup cash, credit card (3%) or good check. Possession is with that payment . Please come for payment and pickup: Saturday Nov 30th 8-1pm. All firearms purchases are subject to one time $10 TBI background check & $20 handling fee per gun. 4500 Cookeville Hwy Cookeville, TN 38506
Payment in full at time of sale cash, check, card (3%). Shipping is available at buyer's expense with the buyer being required to purchase shipping insurance. Payment & Pickup: Saturday Nov 30th 8-1pm. All firearms purchases are subject to one time $10 TBI background check. $20 handling fee per gun 4500 Cookeville Hwy Cookeville, TN 38506