Live Webcast Auction
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Price Realized:
400.00 USD
Shipping Not Available
Price Realized 400.00 USD
Date Sold 2024-12-06T00:00:00
11/21/2024 - 12/6/2024
Auctioneer Information

Bidding Notice:

Place prebids prior to the auction or bid live during the auction.

Auction Notice:

Shipping available on select items only. Pickup on Saturday, December 7th, 9AM - 4PM at the auction location.

Lot # 22
Group - Category Construction & Farm - Trailers - Traveling Axle Trailers
Lead special-built trailer w/ hand winch and frame
can be used for delivering outdoor wood stoves, lp tanks, etc selling with a Bill of Sale
Name 12.06.24 Eichelberger Evening Auction
Type Live Webcast Auction
Date(s) 11/21/2024 - 12/6/2024
Auction Date/Time Info
This will be an online and live auction. Prebidding is open now. We encourage you to preregister and place a few bids before the live auction starts to insure that you are ready to go. Place your max bid on an item and the system will bid only what it needs to keep you in the lead as the highest bidder within your price range. Live Simulcast Auction starts on Friday, December 6th, at 5:00 PM CST, selling in lot number order. At this time prebidding ends and you can bid live, in real time with our in-person bidders. Live in-person bidding on uncataloged items begins at 2:06 PM at the auction location.
Preview Date/Time In-person preview on Thursday, December 5th, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, at the auction location.
Checkout Date/Time Cash, Check, Card, or Wire Transfer payment is due in full at end of auction.
Buyer Premium 15% Buyer's Premium
A great evening auction with a NICE truck, antique tractor, good tools, etc.
All items are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but not guaranteed. OK Sales Tax rate will be be charged on all purchases unless a copy of exemption permit is emailed prior to payment (email to with a bidder number or name included). 15% Buyer's premium Cash, Check, Card or Wire Transfer payment is due in full at end of Auction. Pickup on Saturday, December 7th, 9AM - 4PM at the auction location. Shipping available on select few items only.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 95.00 5.00 USD
95.01 - 240.00 10.00 USD
240.01 - 975.00 25.00 USD
975.01 - 2,950.00 50.00 USD
2,950.01 - 4,900.00 100.00 USD
4,900.01 - 9,999,999.99 500.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium 15% Buyer's Premium
Payment Terms
OK Sales Tax rate of 5.875% will be charged on all purchases unless a copy of exemption permit is emailed prior to payment (email to with a bidder number or name included). 15% buyer's premium Cash, Check, Card or Wire Transfer payment is due in full at end of auction.
Shipping available on select items only. Pickup on Saturday, December 7th, 9AM - 4PM at the auction location.