Online Only Auction
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11/4/2024 - 11/8/2024
Auctioneer Information

Bidding Notice:

15% buyers fee, NO Shipping Pick up will be from November 9th and 10th

Lot # 62
Group - Category Computers & Electronics - Consumer Electronics - Tablets
Lead Samsung Tablet with Otter case
Name Nov Online
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 11/4/2024 - 11/8/2024
Auction Date/Time Info
Sale will run from Nov 4th to 8th
Preview Date/Time Call to schedule a veiwing time, 780-728-5803
Checkout Date/Time Pick will be from Saturday November 9th & Sunday November 10th. On Saturday and Sunday ( November 9 & November 10 ) we will be here from 10am to 5pm. If you are picking up between Tuesday and Wednesday ( November 12th to November 13th ) YOU WILL HAVE TO CALL AND MAKE AND APPOINTMENT FOR PICK UP. CALL 780-728-5803 LAST DAY FOR PICK UPS WILL WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 TH
Buyer Premium Administration Fee
Sale will run from Monday November 4th to Friday November 8th. It will open at 10 am on Monday November 4th and will begin to close at 7pm on Friday November 8th. We will be closed Monday November 11 Pick up will be from Saturday November 9th & Sunday November 10th. On Saturday and Sunday ( November 9 & November 10 ) we will be here from 10am to 5pm. If you are picking up between Tuesday and Wednesday ( November 12th to November 13th ) YOU WILL HAVE TO CALL AND MAKE AND APPOINTMENT FOR PICK UP. CALL 780-728-5803 LAST DAY FOR PICK UPS WILL WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 TH Call Don to schedule 780-728-5803 NO SHIPPING FOR THIS SALE **** Online sale buyers premium is 15 % **** It will be capped at 750 per item. ***** PAYMENT We accept cash, debt/credit card. Etransfers can be sent to
All items must be settled before you are allowed to remove them from the auction site. Risk and title passes to the purchaser once the item is sold to the winning bidder. The items will remain with auctioneer untill they are paid for. ** Methods of payment include e-transfer, credit/debt card, cash ** All items are sold as is where is, there are no warranties or returns. There is a risk with buying any item there is no 100 % guarantee that every item is going to work exactly as it should. Goods left on the premises for over two weeks ( paid or not), will revert back to the auction and will be sold under the auctions name in future sales. Only for pick up, NO shipping **** Online sale buyers premium is 15 % **** It will be capped at 750 per item. ***** PAYMENT We accept cash, debt/credit card. Etransfers can be sent to
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 100.00 2.00 CAD
100.01 - 500.00 5.00 CAD
500.01 - 1,000.00 10.00 CAD
1,000.01 - 5,000.00 20.00 CAD
5,000.01 - 9,999,999.99 50.00 CAD
Currency CAD
Buyer Premium Administration Fee
Payment Terms
We take Cash, Debit/Crdit , Chwque, Etransfer Etransfer email is
No Shipping 15 % buyers fee, Pick up will be from Saturday November 9th & Sunday November 10th. On Saturday and Sunday ( November 9 & November 10 ) we will be here from 10am to 5pm. If you are picking up between Tuesday and Wednesday ( November 12th to November 13th ) YOU WILL HAVE TO CALL AND MAKE AND APPOINTMENT FOR PICK UP. CALL 780-728-5803 LAST DAY FOR PICK UPS WILL BE WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13TH