Online Only Auction
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Price Realized:
9.00 USD
Shipping Available
8/10/2023 - 8/16/2023
Bidding Notice:

The buyer is responsible for the pickup of all lots purchased at his/her own expense during the day's schedule for pickup. A courtesy call will be issued to all bidders at 3:00 P.M. the final day of pick up. Items must be retrieved by 10:00 A.M. the next business day to avoid storage fees. LATE PICK UP:  A LATE PICK UP FEE OF $10 PER DAY after the scheduled pickup days.All items remaining after a ... Show More

Auction Notice:

This is an Online - Internet Only - Timed Auction. All bidding activity will take place online. When bidding, just enter your maximum bid. The system will bid on your behalf using only what it needs to keep you in the lead. This feature is the surest way to win the items you're interested in at the lowest possible price. We have a one-minute soft close policy on each lot. This means that if a ... Show More