Online Only Auction
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Price Realized:
25.00 USD
Shipping Not Available
3/7/2023 - 3/22/2023
Auctioneer Information

Bidding Notice:

Smith & Company Auction & Realty, Inc. is not responsible for any errors in bids, omissions of bids, or failure to execute bids and shall have no liability to any bidder for any technical or other failure associated with the internet.

Auction Notice:

There will be a 2 minute soft close on each lot. A soft close prevents individuals from entering a bid at the very last second before an auction closes with the intent to prevent others from bidding higher. This means that if a bidder enters a bid within two minutes of the lot's initial closing time, a two-minute extension will be added on. The lot will not close until bidding is static for two ... Show More

Lot # 42
Group - Category Construction & Farm - Turf Equipment - Blowers, Sweepers & Vacuums
Name ON-LINE ONLY Christensen Estate Auction
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 3/7/2023 - 3/22/2023
Auction Date/Time Info
This ONLINE ONLY Auction will begin to close on Wednesday, March 22nd at 6 p.m. CST.
Preview Date/Time Items may be previewed on Tuesday, March 21st from 4-6 p.m.
Checkout Date/Time Pick-Up / Load-Out is ONE DAY ONLY - Thursday, March 23rd from 4-6 p.m. **NO SHIPPING or DELIVERY WILL BE OFFERED, ARRANGED OR CONSIDERED.**
Buyer Premium Applied to ALL purchases.
Lawn Mowers, Lawn Equipment, Tools, Shop Equipment, Gardening Tools, and more!
Smith & Co. Auction & Realty, Inc. is not responsible for any errors in bids, omissions of bids, or failure to execute bids and shall have no liability to any bidder for any technical or other failure associated with the internet. Payment is due immediately following the close of the auction. Bidder’s credit card on file will be charged in full immediately following the close of the auction. There will be no options for refunds of any type. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Visa and Mastercard accepted. Sales tax is applicable unless a valid, current sales tax permit is presented prior to auction. Announcements made sale day supersede all prior advertising. All items sold in their present condition with no warranties expressed or implied. Final responsibility rests with the buyer to assess the condition of items. It is not possible to adequately describe in text or photos an item that may show use and wear. We recommend you personally inspect all items, or enlist a trusted professional to do so on your behalf. Settlement must be made day of sale.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 50.00 5.00 USD
50.01 - 100.00 10.00 USD
100.01 - 1,000.00 10.00 USD
1,000.01 - 10,000.00 100.00 USD
10,000.01 - 100,000.00 500.00 USD
100,000.01 - 9,999,999.99 500.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium Applied to ALL purchases.
Payment Terms
Bidder's credit card on file will be charged in full immediately following the close of the auction. Smith & Company Auction & Realty, Inc. accepts Visa and Mastercard. Purchases cannot be removed from the auction site until paid for in full.
Pick-Up / Load-Out is ONE DAY ONLY - Thursday, March 23rd from 4-6 p.m. NO SHIPPING or DELIVERY WILL BE OFFERED, ARRANGED OR CONSIDERED.