Online Only Auction
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Price Realized:
30.00 USD
Shipping Available
12/10/2024 - 1/15/2025
Auctioneer Information

Bidding Notice:

*10% Buyers Premium* This auction has both shippable and non-shippable items. Please check each lot by calling the auction house (563-964-9200) to determine if it is able to be shipped to you.

Lot # 433
Group - Category Jewelry, Watches & Gemstones - Jewelry - Antique / Vintage Jewelry
Name Large Kick-Off to 2025 Antique and Collectible Auction
Type Online-Only Auction
Date(s) 12/10/2024 - 1/15/2025
Auction Date/Time Info
The auction will start closing at 6pm CT on January 15th. This will be a soft close auction.
Preview Date/Time Previews must be scheduled with the auction house. Please call 563-964-9200 to set up a time to view the items. We will be open the day of the auction, January 15th, from 10a - 3p CT to view items.
Checkout Date/Time Out of state buyers' cards will be charged at the close of the auction, and items will be packaged to ship out. Buyers within Iowa will be expected to pickup and pay for the items on January 16th, 17th, or 18th from 10am - 3pm CT. Please call PRIOR to January 15th if you want different arrangements made.
Buyer Premium Buyers Premium applies to all bids.
Garnavillo Auction Presents a Large Antique and Collectible Auction on January 15th, 2025 Beginning At 6:00PM Central Time. SPECIAL MENTION! Although all lots will be described as NO SHIPPING, the WILL BE shipping available on SEVERAL LOTS!!! PLEASE CALL *BEFORE* BIDDING to see if items can be shipped. We also have shippers for large items, BUT CHECK WITH US BEFORE PLACING BIDS!! Items to include - coins and paper currency, oil paintings, coffee mills, Red Wing and other crocks, adv. beater jars, local adv. bank collection, sterling items, Roseville, doll collection, panel lamps, snowshoes, cast iron pans, Griswold #7 roaster w/ trivet, vintage photos, quilts, signs, beer mirrors, door knobs and hardware, Micrometer Scale, pews, victorian furniture and mid-century - mission pcs, and special mention 2 pcs of prison made furniture from Sing-Sing NY. Plus lots of other great items!!! Please check our website for a complete listing of 650 great items! Call for preview hours or to set up a viewing appointment. We will be open on January 15th from 10a - 3p CT for preview.
Rules Please make sure you have read the terms so you understand how our website works and how your bids are submitted into our auctions before you bid. The items sold are often of considerable age and will exhibit wear, usage and damage often NOT LISTED IN THE DESCRIPTION. The absence of condition remarks in the description DOES NOT mean the item is in perfect condition. Please note that Garnavillo Auction will provide our opinion of the condition of items offered for sale upon request. This service is provided for guidance only, without legal obligation. All lots are sold AS IS and there will be NO RETURNS BASED ON CONDITION. If you the buyer has not examined the property to their satisfaction before the sale, WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU NOT BID ON THE ITEM. Again buyers are in ALL CASES responsible for determining the physical condition of lots as there are NO RETURNS based on condition. If bids between online bidders and in house bidders end in a tie the bid will be awarded to the in house bidder.
Your bid must adhere to the bid increment schedule.
Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 22.50 2.50 USD
22.51 - 95.00 5.00 USD
95.01 - 290.00 10.00 USD
290.01 - 975.00 25.00 USD
975.01 - 1,950.00 50.00 USD
1,950.01 - 9,750.00 100.00 USD
9,750.01 - 97,500.00 2,500.00 USD
97,500.01 - 9,999,999.99 10,000.00 USD
Currency USD
Buyer Premium Buyers Premium applies to all bids.
Payment Terms
PAYMENT: Out of state bidder's cards will be charged immediately following the close of the auction. In state buyers will be expected to pick up the items, unless the auction house is notified otherwise. Online bidders please read terms and conditions on the specific auction before you bid. We accept Mastercard, Visa and Discover. Shipping cost and handling costs will be the sole responsibility of the buyer and will also be charged to the credit card when the items are shipped. You are welcome to pay by cash or check if you are picking your items up at the auction center.
In state buyers will be expected to pick up items the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday following the close of the auction, unless the auction house is notified otherwise. Out of state buyers will have items shipped to them, unless the auction house is notified by 10am the following morning after the close of the auction. Items not picked up within 30 days will be considered property of the auction house. PLEASE contact us about shipping large or furniture items before placing a bid!! We have several transporters covering much of the U.S. BUT CALL FIRST for a shipping quote. You can reach us at (563) 964-9200 or PIckup days will be Jan 16th, 17th and 18th from 10am - 3pm CT.